I started my career in the eyewear industry in 2008, and acquired my license of Opticianry in my hometown Paris, France. I had the opportunity to move to the United States four years ago and start from scratch.I realized that the eyewear industry and the profession were completely different than the European system. Not everyone has the chance to afford medical insurance and especially vision care and eyewear. The average cost of a pair of eyeglasses is $200.00 for a non designer frame and basic lenses.This is outrageous and of course not accessible to everyone.
I used to work for a high end optical store in Miami. One day a lady came in and told me that she was there to remit her payment. She handed me a $100 bill. I got surprised because the cheapest frame in the store cost $200.00. I looked at her record and realized that she was paying her eyeglasses on credit ! It took her 4 months to finally get her glasses and being able to see properly.This experience really shocked me and I could not understand how people can struggle to get a decent pair of eyeglasses at a reasonable price .That's how the idea of creating my own brand and concept I Wear For All was born. I designed nice and colorful glasses by using quality material such as acetate and stainless steel. I have a very unique concept: We offer fashionable glasses at affordable prices,delivered in store in 1 hour. Our collection starts at $49 frame and prescription lenses included. Being able to offer high quality glasses delivered in record time is our goal. We also offer our services to small businesses,corporate offices and schools. Why not shopping for glasses while you're at work? We bring people the opportunity to get a customized and hassle free service by getting their glasses delivered straight to their office within 24 to 48 hours.
What three pieces of advice would you give to college students (young and old) locally or internationally who want to become entrepreneurs?
-Get a mentor: be inspired by people that succeed and surround yourself by people that will pull yourself up.
-Be strong: entrepreneurship is not simple and there are ups and downs so you need to be prepared.
-Constantly educate yourself about the newest trends and technologies in your industry.
If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
I don not want to look back. Everything happens for a reason. Move forward, build your business step by step and reinvent yourself constantly. Don't be afraid to be bold and think outside the box.
What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
-Be persistent- never give up and don't be discourage by obstacles
-Be authentic - still keep a strong ethic and stick to your principals and values

-Be a good communicator