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Jennifer Ettinger | U.S.A & Canada | Be Aware!

I was bed-ridden for a year with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and have struggled with auto immune disorders since childhood. Being bed-ridden changed my life. I was determined to "reclaim my life" by adopting "Holistic" practices into my daily approach. I began clean eating, mediation and 2 minutes of exercise a day. After one year, I was out of bed and kickboxing for 90 minutes a day. Fifteen years ago, I became a personal trainer and built a brand called FIT YOUR STYLE in the USA and Canada, consisting of TV, Print and Social Media. Leading with authenticity, engagement and organic growth, my brand caught attention in Los Angeles. I became involved in red carpet and social PR commentary as a "social media correspondent." I continue to live my life as a health advocate and believe I represent the underdog. I am not a "glamazon", I am an everyday woman, trying to find her place in this world.

What ignited the spark to start a new business venture?

In 2018, I started a company called " PINK DREAMS INC." (click website link). I was offering these services "unofficially" so it was time to make it things "official." PDI is a social media service company providing Social PR strategies, access to our incredible global team of professional social correspondents, keynote speaking, event hosting and more.

What were the most significant initial hurdles to building your business and how did you overcome them?

The most significant "hurdle" has been - not giving up! Perseverance is everything! I clearly remember having a conversation with my family; I was going to give "things" 6 more months or finally let go. Those six months changed my life. My business crossed the threshold and began earning a six-figure income. As an entrepreneur, one can never take the foot off the "gas pedal" until you hit your personal goal(s). Baby steps! To birth an idea and make it a business, is the most rewarding and satisfying feeling!

It took me a long time to allow myself to be "proud" of my accomplishments vs racing for the next one. Now, I am present and full of gratitude for every moment, every opportunity that comes my way.

What books are you currently reading?

I don't read "business" books. I read self-development books. I am enjoying a book titled " A Book That Takes Time." An Unhurried Adventure in Creative Mindfulness. By Irene Smit and Astrid Van Der Hulst. It is a book filled with paper goodies. From 2 journals to postcards, stickers and fill in lists, all designed to slow things down, to become "aware."

Did you ever deal with the contention of family or friends?

Sadly, yes. Last year, at the peak of my career, while covering the Oscars, I had life-long friends, who I felt were family, decide to take action to separate themselves from me. I never saw it coming. I was emotionally blindsided and went through a long period of grief. It was a difficult time, but it taught me how strong I am. I am capable of standing on my own two feet. I no longer accept "half-way" of anything in my life, from friends to career. A hard lesson but it brought clarity.

What would you say is the single most influential factor in your business today.

Social media changed my life. I posted on Facebook " Pink Dreams, who do I want to meet in Los Angeles, name x and x. They responded and changed my life by offering me opportunities I only dreamed off, beginning with my first national tv guest expert opportunity.

What do you know today that you wished you would have known when you first started as an entrepreneur?

Be true to yourself! Be aware but don't compare." YOU are the 'secret sauce" of your success! I used to get so upset when someone tried to duplicate a similar brand to mine. I realised no one, repeat; no one is you! My advice to entrepreneurs: Stay in your lane, create, be humble, show gratitude and always engage! The world needs your sparkle!

Photo Credit: Hilliary Photography


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