My name is Cynthia Tima Yeboah. I am a Ghanaian actress, mompreneuer, media practitioner, radio presenter at Hitz Fm and a TV presenter @ Adom TV. I found mainstream success following my performance in the Twi - language movie Asem Asa. Asem Asa was cited as the movie that most Ghanaians bought in 2007, attributed to my lead role performance in the film. My journey has been a tough one, but worth all the pain. I was married for 5 years and got divorced with two adorable kids, they are my world. During my most trying times, and no matter how difficult things were I felt like this was an opportunity inviting me to reinvent myself. I almost gave up along the way. Trust me it wasn't a smooth ride but God made it possible. Therefore, today I stand tall inspiring my fellow friends and dreamers who are at the verge of giving up not to do so. When I first decided to start my own foundation. I only had one backer who has been an integral part in my life and journey including my Dad - by name Mr. Yaw Sarfo (an old high school colleague). We somehow crossed path at Multimedia (Ghana), who later reached out to me. During our private conversation he had that strong conviction – encouraging me to come up with my own foundation to inspired others and make a difference in my community.
Fast forward, I listened to him and started a foundation that is rooted out of my personal health experience: diagnosed with G6PD defect. I almost lost my life - (wrong meds was administrated to me) when I was going into labor, due to few malpractices in our health care system. Doctors, midwives and nurses etc - administrating meds in third world countries like Ghana is a huge problem or a common thing. After my successful delivery, I engaged my doctor and midwives to enlighten me on the causes of G6PD. Asking questions like what and how. I also took precaution to read more about G6PD and realized I was also part of my own misfortune because if I had read more about it, all that could have been avoided. When I came to the limelight I decided to raise awareness by using my celebrity status and reaching out to my fellow showbiz friends. One of the most talked about initiative the foundation embarked was a pop - up G6PD community awareness, which took place at the Ga South Municipal Hospital, where I gave a talk on the defect with the help of another Doctor who also enlighten expectant and new born mothers on the defect and it effects. That same day, I had the opportunity to pay off a 13 years old hospital bills who was raped by her father and had to do surgery. At the community awareness event, we donated free or had an open door G6PD screening to 300 orphans from Royal Seed Home who were conveyed from their home to Tinathes playing ground around Kasoa during the Christmas holidays. Through this awareness event one individual was diagnosed who was living with this defect but had no clue or education regarding this defect. We also collaborated with few donors or sponsors creating job opportunities in my community. An example is by the help of few sponsors we were able to acquire 24 pair of shoes for 2 young ladies who were willing to be entrepreneurs selling and starting their own merchandising business. Momentarily, we are proud and honoured to say they are now dominating the marketplace as merchants.
What books are you currently reading? And your recommendation for entrepreneurs to read?
Honestly, I hardly read books. However, I love podcast and I often listen to Joel Osteen and TD Jakes. Did you ever deal with contention from your family and friends concerning your entrepreneurial pursuits?
How did you handle it? What would you do differently in hindsight? My mum was my devil’s advocate (we all often need that) – probing me: “are you sure you can make it with this line of business”. I was like mama, just watch your little girl do her thing and enjoy that proud moment when it comes. What would you say was the single most influential factor in your business success? I felt, as a single mum I couldn't depend on one income so I had to pushed myself out of my comfort zone. What do you know today that you wish you would have known when you first got started as an entrepreneur? I wish I knew how to negotiate better when I started lol especially when I took on I took on the trade of selling and buying!! What advice would you give to an upcoming entrepreneur locally and internationally? Determination, hard work and humility are my 3 most powerful tools.